Movie adaptations of books are most of the time, if not always, a lesser version of the book. So naturally, as a lover of John Green's novel
The Fault in Our Stars I was worried the movie wouldn't turn out as I would've hoped.
But boy was I wrong.
I went to see the movie last night at a 9pm premier with a last second arrangement, so I wasn't prepared with anything. Everyone had told me "Don't forget tissues!" and I knew why, I'd read the book, but it totally slipped my mind until the movie started.
The acting was phenomenal and believable which in my opinion is a major factor in any movie, really. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort's onscreen chemistry was spot-on and they embodied Hazel and Gus perfectly. When you read a book, everyone seems to have a different idea of how they pictured a scene or person in their mind, but my friend and I found that we pictured a lot of the characters and scenes the same way. I think that goes to show how incredible the directing and production was on set and from all of the cast and crew involved. Not to mention, a lot of lines were literally taken straight from the book and put into the movie, and I loved that.
Now about how I reacted:
I cried.
No really, I cried for about half of the movie. Every emotion that you can think of was thrown into the film. An "emotional roller coaster" would be an understatement. I'm not talking about a little giggle or a single tear, I'm talking full on laughing and swooning over Gus and wanting to stroll through Amsterdam with him too, and crying as if you knew him personally and his death meant you would never see him again. "It's funny," my friend said to me afterwards, tears still streaming down her face, "I felt like I knew him, and in the brief moment I did, I fell in love". I had to constantly reassure myself that it was just a movie and everyone was still alive and well. Luckily, I wasn't the only person who felt that way, you could hear the sniffles and soft cries from everyone in the theater. It was like a group crying session. So when someone tells you to bring tissues, listen to them.
The only thing I noticed that I was kind of sad about was they skipped out on the scene where Hazel and Gus sell her swing set. Also, when they're in Amsterdam and someone from the canal shouts "The beautiful couple is beautiful." Those are the only two major points I missed, but other than that, it's like the book was the script.
Overall, I gladly give this movie a 9.5/10 and would highly recommend it to everyone, and I'll definitely be going back to see it again soon. Also, If you haven't listened to the soundtrack for the movie, you should, it's amazing.
Let's Be Pals: